Mommy Vix with her son, Ethan Jared. |
When I first met her some months back, the first thing that struck me and caught my attention was her smile—it was spontaneous albeit shy. It had a childlike quality that complimented her demureness and I felt deep within me that I was beginning to admire her. At that moment, I became an instant fan.
Vix Parungao may not ring a bell yet, but I am certain she’ll be well-known someday. I find it funny that she’s been rubbing elbows with more popular bloggers (some of whom she writes for as a ghost writer) but they never got to know her at all. I consider myself blessed and lucky for knowing her and becoming her friend.
A hands-on mom to Ethan Jared, Vix and I shared a lot of things in common: we both love to read—if given the chance, we could’ve probably spend an entire day at FullyBooked or Powerbooks, we’re both fans of Kinsella, Coelho, Albom and Sparks. We both love the now defunct duo Savage Garden whose last hit song, “I Knew I Loved You” continues to bring chills down my spine as thoughts of college days haunt me. (But that’s another story…),We like joining contests (no matter how corny the prize may be), we love to attend mommy forums, seminars and events, we’re both cheesy sometimes when we talk about LIFE—and we’re both simple when it comes to dressing up, sans any makeup.
What I love most about Mommy Vix, she’s genuinely nice and she has a kind heart. She’s not someone who holds grudges—perhaps she doesn’t like to carry emotional excess baggage. And unlike other people I’ve met in the past, Vix is only one of those of few whose smile aren’t like shovels rusting in the rain. You see, some people may smile at you approvingly, but the moment you turn your back on them, they’d start to gossip and whisper bad stuff about you.
Did I mention that Vix had a big heart? She shares stuff with me without hesitation—her time, talents, knowledge, tips, infos—and she does that without expecting anything in return. She isn’t NOKIA (read: User-friendly).
I could still vividly remember how I met her, it was my first time to attend a mommy blogger’s event. We hit it off immediately. Yeah, it was like an instant connection between us were transpired. I knew right away that she’s not like the others., that she’s different, she stands out among the rest.
I didn’t want to go to that event. Now I kept thinking if I hadn’t made it there, I wouldn’t have gained a friend in Vix. I keep thanking God for Vix, she’s God-sent to me. She’s like my angel loan on earth.
Mommy Vix, this entry post is for you. I’d like you to know how I felt about knowing you. I may not offer the greatest kind of friendship but what I am is certainly my best. Thank you for the friendship. May the good Lord bless you and Jared always!