
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WOHL Kids Yummy Veggies: The Easiest Way To Help Kids Get Their Fiber!

Nowadays, since we live in a fast-paced world, everything suddenly seems to be “instant”. Meaning to say, things had to be done right away producing immediate results and prepared without much effort. Such as the emergence of instant noodles, coffee, rice meals, among many others. Most people had to grab a bite instead of actually sitting down and enjoying a hearty meal with their families. A lot of processed foods are available in the market today, I bet your kids fave food are those red colored hotdogs—that are sadly considered by nutritionists as junk foods.
We all know that most kids in general don’t like to eat vegetables. Junk foods and sweets take over these healthy greens thereby suppressing their appetite. Kids would often complain that vegetables are bland. As Mommies, we could help change and influence the lives of our families for the better through simple yet meaningful everyday things like doing the grocery, preparing healthy dishes, and choosing which products to use for our families needs. And most of the time, it’s not just enough to simply disguise veggies by discretely incorporating them into our kids’ meals.
I recently came across World Of Healthy Living or better known as WOHL Dietary Products, Inc. It’s an innovative, research-based company that develops centuries old eastern medical philosophy by utilizing European technology in improving health and wellness.  I was glad to know that they have food supplement products that will surely help us Moms in making sure that our kids eat their veggies while getting their optimum nutrition without much pleading sans any tantrums or tears.
WOHL Kids Yummy Veggies is a food supplement powder whose main active ingredient comes from Belgium. Mothers need not worry about poor nutrition as they can discreetly mix in a sachet of Kids Yummy Veggies into their child’s normal meals or drinks. Don’t’ worry though, because I have tasted it myself and I can assure you, your child will be absolutely clueless. They won’t even notice that they are taking in all that healthy goodness!

As a blogger, I was made to try the product for my own kid. You see, Kyle, my precocious nine-year-old usually suffers from constipation, as he doesn’t really like drinking water and what makes it worse, he’s fond of eating bananas. Although he would sometimes eat vegetables, there were particular times where in he’d rather skip meals than eat them. I guess, his not eating veggies mean he’s not getting enough fiber, thus he gets constipated. Honestly, I do not want Kyle to depend himself on medicines for constipation because he’s way too young.
When I was given a sample of WOHL Kids Yummy Veggies, the first thing I thought of was, would it be effective? The leaflet says that Kids Yummy Veggies boasts of its main active ingredient—Inulin fibre from Orafti, Belgium. Inulin is made of complex sugar present in the roots of various plants and used medically to test kidney function. It is a polysaccharide based on fructose. Inulin fibre is a soluble fiber that increases calcium absorption, magnesium absorption, while promoting the growth of intestinal bacteria, which aids in proper digestion. It can be naturally found in asparagus, artichokes, leeks, onions, and garlic and most especially in Belgian chicory root.  Chicory is a blue-flowered Mediterranean plant of the daisy family, cultivated for edible salad leaves and carrot-shaped root. Inulin fibre is also categorized as prebiotic, which stimulates the growth of good bacteria for healthy digestion. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are also included in Kids Yummy Veggies to boost your child’s immune system and for better eyesight. 
I always wanted to make sure I’d be giving Kyle only the best, as there are certain things that I had to consider before giving him a particular brand of product.  For my own piece of mind, I had tried the product first before giving it to him. I liked that Kids Yummy Veggies easily dissolves in cereals and hot water or soup. I tried tasting it, and although it claims to be tasteless, I thought it was a bit sweet. However, it’s not strong enough to affect the taste of the food or drink you pour it into. I would make Kyle fresh calamansi (read: Philippine lemon) juice and pour a sachet of Kids Yummy Veggies on them. I’m glad I could easily see the results. A few days later after Kyle has tried it, he would regularly move his bowels without encountering any difficulties. Kids Yummy Veggies is really a big help to Moms like me. Mommies whose kids are a bit choosy when it comes to food will surely benefit from taking Kids Yummy Veggies.
So what are the benefits of increasing dietary fiber? It increases resistance to gastrointestinal diseases, builds up the immune system, decreases fat absorption and prevents constipation. Kids Yummy Veggies has no drug interaction, no known side effects; non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic and no sub chronic toxicity. I no longer had to worry about Kyle’s constipation. It’s buh-bye time to constipation. Having Kids Yummy Veggies is a whole lot better than giving Kyle any chemical-based medicine. It’s about time to say hello to healthier digestion!

WOHL Dietary Products Inc has other food supplement products for the whole family’s needs. WOHL’s Ervatrim is a herbal dietary supplement powder that’s scientifically proven and approved fat-burner with natural ingredients made from Switzerland.  They also have a product called Smokeless with a patented green oat extract for smoking cessation, helping you to kick that bad “yosi” (read: smoking) habit.  

For product information and orders, please contact WOHL Sales/Marketing Manager Mr. Dean Paolo Cortes
Call (+632) 576-4019, (+632) 9153694 or fax: (+632) 915-3695, email: or
You may also visit their website at for complete details.

Purple Plum Fairy sincerely thanks Mr. Dean Paolo Cortes for the product samples sent for review on this blog.
Disclaimer: I am not compensated for this blog post. Opinions expressed are 100% my own.


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