Sunday, July 29, 2018

Salad Bar PH Food review: Create Your Own Salad the Healthy Way

Salad bar Kiosk

Craving a bowl of fresh, crisp salad but don’t have the ingredients or patience to make it? Fret not, salad bar kiosk is the answer to your lunchtime prayers. 

A decent salad bar is hard to find (limp iceberg lettuce with three pieces of corn anyone?) and DIY at home is about as appealing as the aforementioned limp lettuce lunch, especially since no one has all the ingredients in their fridge to make a vibrant bowl of health-giving salad. But thanks to whoever owns Salad Bar PH kiosks that's no longer the case.

A variety of choices as your DIY salad's ingredients
Pick 'n' mix your ideal salad ingredients from a huge range of over 50 fresh choices to create the salad of your dreams. Choices include super fresh juicy tomatoes, sweet corn kernels, tuna flakes - even sweet fruits like papaya, mangoes, peaches, grapes, dragon fruit, lychee, avocado and other fruits in season. Then add up some mushrooms, cucumber slices and macaroni salad and voilà, lunch is served.

Purple Plum Fairy picks her fave ingredients from the salad bar. Please forgive her for her huge arms.
But if you want to leave the lunchtime decision making to the experts, Salad Bar PH offers different salad ingredients depending on their availability. But I can tell from the very first time I've tried Salad Bar PH that it will truly be perfect for lunch given its feel-good food trip. I mean, c'mon, one can indulge on Salad Bar PH's healthy offering sans the usual guilt. These are the kind of foods that fuel mental greatness. 

Customers flock to Salad Bar for a healthy alternative meals especially during lunch time

The best sellers include peaches and mangoes along with avocado

SaladBar PH knows how to really make stuff easier for us customers who are undecided in what to order. They have three options, please see below:

  • Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Platter (an assortment of delicious, fresh, best-of-the-season fruits and garden-fresh vegetables)
  • Fresh Fruit Platter (a delicious sliced assortment of best-of-the-season fruits. Choose your fruits and enjoy its freshness)
  • Fresh Vegetable Platter (an assortment of fresh, best-of-the-season, crisp vegetables cut into snack-size piece along)      

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Smart Parenting Convention 2018: Where Experts Help in Raising Successful Kids

Smart Parenting Convention 2018

I love attending Smart Parenting events. Maybe it stems from my desire to become a better guardian to my nephew Kyle. I'm not biologically a mom yet, but I've been raising my teen nephew for as long as I can remember. That's why when opportunities such as the recent Smart Parenting Convention comes up, I would do everything in my power to come and attend. From parenting workshops to baby care items on sale, doulas, financial experts as well as other engaging and interesting stuff--devoted to spreading ideas, one can find inspiration for just about anything. 

Booths found during the Smart Parenting Convention 2018

And yes, there are smart parenting talks/workshops where I'd find myself crying or teary-eyed within a few minutes because they usually say something profound that I've never thought of before and it touches that sensitive nurturing mother's heart of mine. 

As parents, we all want to do the best for our kids, right? We want to be good parents, and we especially don't want to put more as*h*les into the world. I swear by the expertly advice and wisdom of Smart Parenting experts because they can help us do things the best way possible.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Dairy Queen's Cheesecake Blizzards are Back!

A special treat for cheesecake lovers: Dairy Queen's Cheesecake Blizzards

Cheesecake and Dairy Queen blizzard lovers had all the reasons in the world to rejoice as Dairy Queen brings back Cheesecake Blizzard Treat in three variants: Oreo Cheesecake, Mango Cashew Cheesecake and Brownie Mocha Cheesecake. Probably three of the best frozen treats one could ever find, Dairy Queen Cheesecake Blizzard variants are sweets giving you a piece of what heaven is like. 

Dairy Queen Blizzards: Mango Cashew Cheesecake, Brownie Mocha Cheesecake and Oreo Cheesecake

Fans of cheesecake will find a lot of love here, in part because the cheesecake flavor pairs well as with the base. In fact, it wouldn't be surprising if DQ lovers 
would find this addicting. But for us, it's just the start of Dairy Queen Blizzard's dominance. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Shopwise's Big Cook Off Features Asian Fusion Dishes

Showise Araneta recently had The Big Cook Off featuring Asian Fusion

I love doing our family grocery. And when it comes to grocery shopping, I always go to Shopwise Araneta. Among all the other household chores, it is grocery shopping that I enjoy the most. I find it truly therapeutic. So why do I go at Shopwise? Aside from its proximity from where I live, I love its hassle-free services and reasonably priced items. I also love the fact that there are a few brands or products that I can find there which aren't available in other supermarkets. Their Surebuy brand is made affordable for everyone. Plus, if I'd get hungry while in the middle of my shopping, I need not go anywhere else because delis, breads, rotisserie and D-I-Y mongolian bowls are available inside the grocery area itself. All I need to do is look for a vacant seat, wait for my order and voila! I can enjoy a filling meal while I'm doing my grocery shopping at Shopwise. So for me, it is indeed wise to shop at Shopwise. 

Recently, Purple Plum Fairy was invited to cover Shopwise Araneta's The Big Cook Off Asian Fusion  through the extended invitation from Mommy Bloggers Philippines which features exclusive products by means of a contest between selected bloggers versus culinary students of Apicius Culinary School.

The panel of judges lead by Chef JP Anglo

Sunday, July 8, 2018

"Get Me an AED" for CPR-ReadyPH Infomercial Launch

The stories are all too familiar – someone suffers a cardiac arrest and an AED was not on site to help revive the individual. In fact, if it had not been for what had happened to basketball hardcourt celebrity Avelino "Samboy" Lim back in 2014, perhaps the public wouldn't even be aware of its need.  While most of the developing countries require that their schools, airports, and any high-traffic places are equipped with AEDs, the Philippines still had a lot of things to make it happen. If only we had an AED available during Samboy Lim's attack, he would've been in a better health condition. It was a good thing that Basketball coach turned politician former Pampanga Rep. Yeng Guiao was present when Lim collapsed. He then had the initiative to author file a bill that's now approved and dubbed as "Samboy Lim" Law which aims to teach basic life support training in schools act in public and private schools. 

When a person suffers a sudden cardiac arrest, their chance of survival decreases by 7% to 10% for each minute that passes without defibrillation. AEDs make it possible for more people to respond to a medical emergency where defibrillation is required. According to studies, 90% of the time, AEDs are able to detect a rhythm that should be defibrillated – and 95% they can detect when a rhythm should not be defibrillated. AED’s can be made part of emergency response programs that also include rapid use of 9-1-1 and prompt delivery of CPR. All three of these activities are vital to improving survival from cardiac arrest.

What is an AED?

AED First Aid tools

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that checks a person’s heart rhythm. It can recognize a rhythm that requires shock, and if needed, send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm. The AED uses voice prompts, lights and text messages to tell the rescuer the steps to take. AEDs are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), which is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating.
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
An AED is a device used to administer an electric shock through the chest wall to the heart. Built-in computers assess the patient's heart rhythm, judge whether defibrillation is needed, and then administer a shock if needed. Audible and/or visual prompts guide the user through the process. 

Friday, July 6, 2018

Uni Writing Instruments opens The First Conservation Center at the Manila Ocean Park

Unbeknownst to many, the Philippines is one of the most gifted in terms of marine diversity with the number of species that one can see underwater. However, it is also very unfortunate to learn that the Philippines ranks as the third country with the most polluted oceans as we continue to contribute to the plastic dumped into the world’s oceans every year. All is not lost. There is still time to do something for the environment.  

Uni Ocean Conservation Center

Personally speaking, we are happy to note that companies and brands nowadays are becoming more and more aware of the environmental problem—and in their own little ways, they are doing something to help lessen or alleviate the problem. Leading coffee brands have started using reusable cups, metal sipping straws and bamboo made tumblers. Local government units have also made city ordinances that requires citizens to bring their own eco-friendly bags each time they shop. This initiative isn’t something new for Lupel Corporation, makers of renowned Uni Writing Instruments. “We’re proud to say that Uni ballpen and writing instruments is probably the first one that has come up with a product that’s made from 75% recycled materials,” said Lupel Corporation Vice President and General manager Mitch Pellicer.

Ms. Mich Pellicer, VP Lupel Corporation and General Manager

I have had the chance to attend the annual Ocean Cleanup Summit in Subic last year. From there, I was able to learn that even in our daily lives, if we truly have this concern and care for the environment, we'd be able to do our part in making sure that the future generations will still be able to marvel at the wonders that the ocean had to offer. This same mission enables both Lupel Corporation's Uni Writing Instruments and Manila Ocean Park to join hands and work together in doing their share to help preserve and protect the environment for the future generations. Thus, they have just launched the very first conservation center at the Manila ocean Park Super Toy Collection. The said project aims to teach young kids and those kids-at-heart the value of recycling and in how they can help Mother Earth.

Ms. Armi Cortes, VP Sales and Marketing Manila Ocean Park welcomes guests

Yes, there is still hope. Only if we all try to do something in our own little way about the global garbage cans now, perhaps we can still save some legacy for the future generations. Students learned that our way of living has a great impact on the global environmental issues such as global climate change, food and water sustainability, urban development and environmental conservation, importance  of the 4 R's "reduce, reuse, recycle and recover."

World-Class Uni Ballpens
Ocean trash is a serious pollution problem that affects the health of people, wildlife and local economies.  We've had personal experience in helping cleanup the ocean. In 2014, Purple Plum Fairy along with other bloggers also tried her hand in an environmental activity where we joined a coastal cleanup drive spearheaded by a brand of soda in Coastal Road. I remember we were literally exposed and baked under the debilitating heat of the sun morning. But everyone seemed to be in a high spirit as we shoved, picked, raked and gathered the mounds after mounds of trash from that coastal area. I've began to wonder what the place used to looked like some decades ago. 

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